Article: St Andrew’s Day

St Andrew’s Day
Did you know that St. Andrews Day is the official national holiday of Scotland and is celebrated every year on November 30th?
Saint Andrew was born in Israel between 5 AD and 10 AD and became, according to Christianity, one of Jesus' disciples alongside his brother Simon Peter. Both were fishermen in Galilee, where they lived.
Although there is no consensus on why Saint Andrew is a patron saint, there are a number of stories. One of these stories describes King Angus in 9 AD preparing for battle against the English. As he slept, Saint Andrew appeared in the king's dream and promised him victory. On the day of the battle, an X appeared in the sky which was the symbol of Saint Andrew and when the king saw this he vowed that if they won, Saint Andrew would be the patron saint of Scotland.
Patron saints are known to be guardians or special protectors over things. Saint Andrew was made the patron saint of Scotland in 1320.
The cross on the Scottish plain is actually the symbol of St. Andrews and hence it is known as the St. Andrews Cross or also commonly as the Saltire.