What makes Scotland so great?
We all know someone who loves Scotland and visits every year. They tell you how much fun they have. So what is it all about? What makes Scotland so great? Here we will outline a few things we think we are or do that make us stand out.
You have to go and see for yourself how we get along with each other. We like to laugh...
Our rolling countryside is something to behold. We are known for our winding roads that take you to stunning scenery almost no matter where you are. You will discover views that are like no other once you reach the template of a Munro. Equally, we have beaches and waters that are spectacular. Meanwhile, you can encounter our beautiful sheep and cows that roam much of Scotland.
We believe that one of the most important things is that Scots are friendly. We will go out of our way to help you if we can and have a little chat along the way. We will talk to you as if we have known you forever, tell you a story, laugh and joke.
Our Scottish dialect is something to behold. We have so many words of our own that are not used in English anywhere else in the world. They are spoken at such speed and with such a lack of diction that it is difficult to understand which letters have been used.
Our weather is something you rarely experience anywhere else. You need to pack well prepared for all eventualities and make sure you have clothing and footwear for all possible weather. All year round it seems like you can have rain, sun, wind and snow on the same day.
The first castles in Scotland were built in the 11th and 12th centuries. Over the years the design and structure of castles has changed, but it is believed that there were once more than 3000 castles. They are a great place to learn about Scottish history and a place of wonder for many children and adults!!!